Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Claiming the Moment

Guest Post - By Malcolm P. Rockwell

I’ve watched and listened to a lot of what is being done and said during the on-going protests over the murder of George Floyd. I’m sympathetic to the cause. I’m sick and fucking tired of cops killing unarmed black men for no reason other than that they can. I’m sick and fucking tired of the police union supporting its members regardless of circumstances when it’s evident to even the dullest among us that such support is an endorsement of immorality, criminality, and unbridled authoritarianism. I’m sick and fucking tired of mealy-mouthed prosecutors who will up-charge common street criminals with every charge imaginable, but can almost never find a basis to charge murderous cops with even the most lenient of charges despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. And I’m sick and fucking tired of my countrymen and women who can sit on a jury, be presented with undeniable evidence of crimes committed by cops against people of color, and yet repeatedly turn a blind eye and give the cops a pass. And as evidenced by the tens of thousands of people who have been pouring into the streets for the past twelve days protesting against police violence, I’m not alone. 

But here’s the thing. Marching in the streets day-in and day-out holding up placards, chanting slogans, staring down cops, violating curfew, and getting arrested is great for galvanizing support for the cause, but it’s ultimately not going to get us anywhere near where we need to be. Neither the current occupant of the White House nor his political enablers at the federal, state, and local level give two shits about street protests. Especially protests by young people, people of color, queers, atheists, dope-smokers, and political progressives. If you are anything other than a straight, white, God-fearing Christian conservative, you are dead to these people. They are not afraid of you marching in the streets. That they can and easily will handle by leveraging the awesome power of the state security apparatus. Those security forces will happily pepper-spray you. They will gladly club you into submission with batons. They will arrest and deprive you of your liberty while they rough you up in the process. And if you’re black, those forces will kill you. By hook or crook, you will be brought to heel.

But you know what these sick bastards are afraid of? You know what keeps Trump up late at night hunkered down in his bunker rage-tweeting while he stuffs his morbidly-obese gut full of more fast food? You know what scares the living shit out of treasonous Moscow Mitch McConnell? You know what Tom “I’m a fucking unapologetic fascist” Cotton fears the most? They fear the time when everyone you see in the streets today, and everyone else in solidarity with those people, storm the polls to vote. That is what makes their anti-American blood run freezing cold. Because they know if that happens, the gig is up, the battle is lost. Probably forever.  

That explains why they are perpetually trying to make it more difficult for certain communities to cast a ballot. That is why they constantly attempt to limit the franchise and make participation in elections more difficult (see, the recent Georgia state primary). They are not only afraid of people voting, they actually despise the whole filthy idea of it. So they pull stunts like opposing mail-in ballots over contrived concerns about “voter fraud,” even though they and their supporters have been voting by mail for years (and, ironically, in the case of both Donald Trump and his personal propagandist, Kayleigh McEnany, illegally in 2016). They reduce the number of polling places in minority and underserved neighborhoods and then object to keeping those same polling places open long enough to allow the predictable crush of lined-up voters to cast their ballots. They implement rules that make it almost impossible for young folks attending college away from home to vote. And they place insurmountable obstacles to voting in front of folks who have been incarcerated, have served their sentence, and whose voting rights have been restored. They do this because they don’t want uppity people of color to vote. They don’t want overly-idealistic young people to vote. They don’t want icky gays to vote. And they certainly don’t want scary Muslims and immoral atheists to vote.  Because despite all of the bloviating about the high-minded ideals which are the bedrock of our constitutional republic, despite the incessant blather about the greatness of America, despite the elitist lecturing to the rest of the world about the superiority of western-style democracies and government “of, by, and for the people,” these charlatans don’t believe in any of it.   

So it is imperative that the movement transition from simply repeatedly shouting what it wants from those who refuse to hear, to replacing these dangerous fools with those who have a more sympathetic ear and who will take steps to effectuate real change. And the only way that is going to happen is if the hundreds of thousands of people who have taken to the streets in support of “Black Lives Matter” participate en masse in the November elections. As a practical matter what that means is that all these folks, and all of their sympathizers and supporters must register to vote. And then they must follow through and actually vote come Election Day. If that happens, Trump will be removed from office (and then hopefully prosecuted and imprisoned). The Senate will turn blue. And the House will turn a deeper shade of blue.

But it’s not just the federal offices that are important. With a dotard like Trump at the helm, it’s really easy to forget about the down-ballot races at the state and local level. But these races are crucial, perhaps even more so than the federal races, to effectuating changes to policing which is the province of state and municipal governments. If the Black Lives Matter movement wants any real chance of succeeding at this, the pro-police bias and monopoly at the state and local level must be broken. And the only way to do that is to remove and replace current office-holders who are responsible for and who perpetuate the current state of affairs.

I know, I know. Voting isn’t as thrilling as facing off against soldiers and cops clad in riot gear. It’s not as sexy as marching in the mean streets and chanting. And it’s not as Instagram-able as a selfie at a mass protest. But this isn’t about thrills and sex and Instagram goddammit! This is about change. And it’s time to put in the easy work to ensure that change occurs.

Here’s something else. You may not be excited about Joe Biden. Maybe you think he’s too old to be the President. Maybe he isn’t progressive enough for you tastes. Maybe you’re displeased with some of his past policy positions or statements. And maybe you’re not convinced that he’s all there all the time. And maybe you’re right.

But you know what? None of that matters when the alternative is a despot. None of that matters when Bill Barr is the U.S. Attorney General. None of that matters when our current trajectory has us headed for tyranny and authoritarianism. None of that matters when the fate of the republic literally hangs in the balance. 

Beyond that, it is pure folly to believe that progress can or will occur quickly and without a changing of the political guard. Because for that to happen, the folks that currently hold the reins of power would have to respond favorably and proactively to the demands currently emanating from the street. That is not going to happen. These politicians were not put in positions of power and authority to serve the constituency represented by Black Lives Matter. They were elected to maintain the status quo and to serve the interests of the folks that put them in office in the first place. And guess what? If you support Black Lives Matter, chances are you ain’t those folks. 

So yeah, replacing Trump with Biden may not be the perfect solution. But it is a substantial and concrete step in that direction. And perfection cannot be the standard anyway. Because the perfect candidate is a unicorn. The perfect candidate doesn’t exist. They never have and never will. So expecting one, and then sitting out the election when one predictably doesn’t materialize, is not only unrealistic and counter-productive, it actually damaging because it plays right into hands of the entrenched powers-that-be. It’s exactly what they want and exactly what they hope and pray that you do.

So if you are not registered to vote, go out and do that today. Make certain that your friends, family, co-workers, social contacts, and fellow activists and agitators all do the same. And then five months from now, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, follow through and cast your ballot in the Presidential Election. It is the single most important thing that you can do to honor George Floyd and ensure that he did not die in vain on the sidewalk under the knee of a racist cop.